110: Toxic Positivity

We’re big fans of cultivating a more positive outlook on life but sometimes things are just really hard and taking a “good vibes only” approach just isn’t right. The internet (and world generally) is full of people telling us to be grateful and more positive, especially at this time of year, but this week we’re discussing what happens when we’re too quick to dismiss someone’s pain with an attempt to focus on the bright side.

We’d love to hear from you and if you’d like to contribute to our next topic on showing yourself compassion, please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


Hawkeye on Disney+

The Caribbean with Andi & Miquita on BBC iPlayer

Great British Walks With My Dog Channel 4/All 4

109: Career Advice We Wish We’d Known Sooner

In this week’s episode we’re discussing career advice we wish we’d known sooner, from being open-minded about future job prospects that might not exist yet to knowing that skills and knowledge will often become more valuable than any exam grades or university degrees. We also discuss the value of extra-curricular activities, portfolio careers, not burning bridges and not putting your job before your mental health.

We hope you find this episode useful!

We’d love to hear from you and if you’d like to contribute to our next topic on toxic positivity, please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


Luster by Raven Leilani

The Call to Courage – Brené Brown on Netflix


Sophie Edwards on Instagram

108: Dealing with Other People’s Opinions

In this week’s episode we’re discussing dealing with other people’s opinions and especially dealing with other people’s opinions of you.

It can be really hard to not get caught up about what other people think of you, whether that’s at work, with friends or especially when you’re meeting new people. We want to show that you’re not alone in worrying about things like this, plus we discuss how we can all get better at letting those worries go, being at peace with our own intent and our own personality by accepting that we can’t always be everyone’s cup of tea.

We’d love to hear from you and if you’d like to contribute to our next topic on career advice you wish someone had told you sooner, please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


The Eternals on Disney+

The Green Planet with Sir David Attenborough on BBC and iPlayer

107: How To Successfully Plan & Achieve Your Goals

It’s one thing to set yourself a new goal, it’s another to do it in a way that actually sets you up for success. In this episode we’re discussed the steps we take to make sure that we’re approaching our goals in a realistic and achievable way, and the tools, trackers and processes we use to keep us on track.

We’d love to hear from you and if you’d like to contribute to our next topic on other people’s opinions of you, please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


S7 E1 of The Food Medic Podcast: How to achieve MORE by doing LESS with Greg McKeown

Future Me

106: Knowing When It’s Time for a Change

You definitely don’t need the start of a new year as a reason to make changes in your life, but since it’s our first episode of 2022, we wanted to discuss the importance of recognising when it might be time for a change, whether that’s a big change to a relationship or your career, or changing your habits like your workout regime or after-work routine. Recognising your discomfort or dissatisfaction is the important first step in making changes to your life and as scary as change may be, only you can make meaningful changes to your own life.

We’d love to hear from you and if you’d like to contribute to our next topic on successful goal setting, please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


Should I Delete That? Podcast with Em Clarkson and Alex Light

Harlem TV show on Amazon Prime

Year Compass to reflect on 2021 and plan 2022 – https://yearcompass.com/

105: Investing in Yourself

As we approach the new year, we don’t just want to talk about goal setting, instead we want to talk about investing in yourself and how those investments don’t have to just mean financial investments. We’re talking about anything from your personal or professional development to investing in your physical and mental wellbeing or perhaps deciding to take a hobby to the next level.

Investing in yourself is important for your own self-development and is also an aspect of self-trust and self-care. Join us for a chat about different ways you can invest in yourself and hear how we’re investing in ourselves and how our listeners are investing in themselves in 2022.

We’d love to hear from you and if you’d like to contribute to our next topic in the new year, look out for our first topic announcement in the new year on our Instagram:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


TLF Apparel Activewear

Lee Stafford Hair Apology 10 in 1 Leave-in Treatment Spray

104: Uncomfortable Conversations

No one enjoys them but sometimes having an uncomfortable conversation is essential. Whether it’s a family member’s comment over the holidays or a disagreement at work, there’s always a way to approach the situation in a constructive way. In this episode we’re sharing how to start one of these more awkward conversations, easy ways to enforce your own boundaries and when it’s best to just leave it.

We’d love to hear from you and if you’d like to contribute to our next topic on Investing In Yourself, please drop us a message on the details below (everything will be kept anonymous):

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


This Works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray

Missing Pieces by Tim Weaver

103: The Fear Of Having Children

Content Warning: This week we’re discussing the fear around having children, based on our personal thoughts and experiences. We discuss a wide range of topics including fertility, being child-free, pregnancy, birth, traumatic births, loneliness, mental health and other topics. If this isn’t something you want to or feel you can listen to right now please skip this episode.

The conversations about parenthood, and whether to be a parent or be child-free, are opening up more and that can only be a good thing. However it feels like there’s a big grey area that we still aren’t addressing. What if you aren’t clear on whether you want to have children? Or what if you might like the idea but also find it deeply terrifying? You might think you want to but just know it’s not one for right now, but what if “right now” never comes? We think that given it’s likely to be the biggest decision you’ll ever make it’s one worth discussing in detail and giving real consideration. There’s no “right” answer but hopefully by opening up the conversation it provides some comfort to anyone else who feels like they’re in that confusing and often scary grey area.

We’d love to hear from you and if you’d like to contribute to our next topic on Uncomfortable Conversations, please drop us a message on the details below (everything will be kept anonymous):

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave

Janet Newenham

102: Cultivating Adult Friendships

We love talking about friendship (and know you love it too) so this week we’re talking about how you maintain, grow and build friendships as an adult when there are so many other things going on at the same time. We also answer your questions on how to make friends, having difficult conversations and that awkward topic of gift giving!

We’d love to hear from you and if you’d like to contribute to our next topic on Being Afraid Of Having Children, please drop us a message on the details below (everything will be kept anonymous):

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


The Fan Club by Erin Mayer

Love Hard on Netflix

101: Portfolio Careers vs. Career Paths

A linear career path is no longer the only way to build a career. In this episode, we’re discussing the increasing popularity of portfolio-style careers and the value that you can bring to a job role based on a variety of experiences and skills that transfer across industries. While there are benefits to both styles of career, we’re chatting about how we, as the next generation of hiring managers, can continue to remove the stigma associated with changing your career or moving industries that existed more in past generations and why that change has happened.

We’d love to hear from you and if you’d like to contribute to our next topic on Adult Friendships, please drop us a message on the details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


Cadbury Vegan Chocolate Bar – Plant Bar

Free Guy – Movie on Disney+