120: The Importance of Nuance

Almost every situation in life has nuance, in a world where we are all entitled to our own opinions and we all have different lived experiences, of course your own thoughts on a topic will differ from other people’s.

So much of life exists in these grey areas of nuance, but acknowledging nuance is really important in these conversations when we have differing opinions. Even if we don’t agree with someone else’s perception, being open to other ideas and opinions can still help to inform our understanding of the bigger picture.

We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


Verity by Colleen Hoover

Flesh & Buns restaurant

119: Why do Women feel Shame around Money?

Money is always an uncomfortable topic but that’s why talking about it is so important. Particularly as women, there’s a lot of shame around women earning money and the double standards in the narrative between men and women earning money and enjoying the product of their hard work unapologetically.

In this episode we’re discussing why so many women (us included) feel shame around earning money or being motivated by money and why education around money management are key in opening up the conversation and unlearning the subconscious double standard between men and women earning money.

We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


The Puppet Master on Netflix

The Moments that Made Me Podcast with Roxie Nafousi


Accounts to Follow

  • Audrey Leyton
  • Melissa from Melissa’s Wardrobe
  • Victoria Mcgrath
  • @herfirst100k
  • @girlsthatinvest
  • @thefinancialdiet
  • @shesonthemoney
  • @myfrugallife



Citizens Advice – financial advice and managing debts

The Money Charity – financial support and education

Turn2Us – information and how to access funds in financial hardship

Step Change Debt Charity

118: Does Happiness Kill Ambition?

Does finding happiness kill your ambition? Can you balance happiness with always striving for progression? How can we reconcile finding contentment with being ambitious human beings?

Today we’re discussing the grass is always greener mentality that the next promotion or pay rise will bring us happiness. More often than not, that isn’t the case. But happiness and ambition aren’t end-goals and everyone’s ambitions or definition of happiness look different. So we want to dig into how we can reconcile having the trait of ambition and the feelings of happiness in our lives right now.


We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


I Am – Affirmation App on iOS / Helena also mentions the ‘Gratitude’ App on Android

Turning Red on Disney+

117: Allowing Yourself to Look Forward

As we come out of the pandemic, you might be feeling like you have to hold yourself back from getting excited, from giving yourself things to look forward to in the future ‘just in case’ it all goes wrong again.

But living your life in a perpetual state of ‘what if something bad happens, I don’t want to let myself down’ while it’s understandable, we can’t live that way forever, we have lives to lead and finding the source of joy with things we can looking forward to and things we enjoy is an important part of that.


We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


Ctrl Alt Del – Episode 368 with Sarah Ellis on Coaching Yourself

Carlarockmore on TikTok

116: Fear of Going Backwards

If you’re an ambitious person, there’s a big chance you have a very real fear of going backwards. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the feeling that you should always be doing more, achieving more, moving forward etc to be successful. But success doesn’t always have to mean moving forward.

Perhaps you’re considering a career change, or maybe you’re at a different stage in life from those around you. Perception plays a big role in how we compare our progress to other people and in this episode we’re discussing the perceptions of progress, the difference between fear of going backwards and stagnation, and why it’s important to recognise what progress or growth looks like for you.


We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


The Adam Project on Netflix

@lalalaletmeexplain on Instagram

115: Finding Your Focus

With more options, and distractions, than ever before working out what you want to focus on and then staying on track can feel like a constant challenge. Even if you’re highly motivated and know why you want to do something maintaining focus is difficult. This week we’re discussing how you narrow down your focus and work out what you want to pursue when there are so many possibilities and also sharing our tips for maintaining focus and avoiding the dreaded procrastination.

We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


Only Murders In The Building on Disney+

Stanley Tucci: Searching For Italy on BBC2/iPlayer/CNN


114: When You Should Ask For Help

Disclaimer: This episode of the podcast is pre-recorded. Our thoughts are with everyone impacted and we have left links below to organisations who are helping Ukraine if you’re in a position to support.

The British Red Cross
Choose Love

Asking for help is often easier said than done. We’re all taught, consciously or unconsciously, to think of asking for help in any capacity is a sign of weakness and that it means you aren’t able to cope with a situation. In reality asking for help can be a great sign of bravery, it’s a chance to get support, confront the things gaps in your knowledge and demonstrate strong leadership skills. None of us are perfect and we can’t possibly know everything, so whether it’s a task at work, an everyday occurrence that could do with the support of your partner or reaching out for help with your mental health, asking for help is a great habit to cultivate.


The Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata

Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Flawless Filter

113: Prioritising Happiness

It’s easy to forget about our own happiness when we’re so busy with work, relationships, responsibilities and everything else going on in our daily lives. But how often are you really prioritising your own happiness?

In this episode we’re chatting not just about happiness, but the importance of recognising what happiness means to you and how you can incorporate it into your life. Happiness can show up in small day-to-day acts like a coffee with friends, spending time with your family or feeling fulfilled at work. We’re discussing the guilt around pursuing what brings us happiness, especially as women or if you don’t follow ‘social norms’ as well as the importance of finding happiness now while you still can.


We’d love to hear from you and if you’d like to contribute to our next topic, please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


Sorrow and Bliss by Meg Mason

The First Monday in May Documentary on Netflix

112: Why It’s Important to Support Others

This week we want to talk about supporting other people. In a world of competition, we’re often pitted against each other and expected to compete for jobs, relationships, education, careers, promotion etc.

But supporting other people can be a really powerful part of your own self-development. Supporting other people’s success and achievements doesn’t diminish yours in any way, but the impact it can have individually and across communities is so important.

We discuss community over competition and how we can use this idea to create change in corporate settings, for women and for other marginalised groups.

We’d love to hear from you and if you’d like to contribute to our next topic, please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


Stay Close on Netflix

14 Peaks on Netflix

111: Having Compassion for Ourselves

This week we’re chatting about having compassion for yourself. We’re into February now and January was a struggle, perhaps you’re being hard on yourself, or maybe you’ve not been as successful with your new years’ resolutions and goals as you’d hoped. Whatever it is, it’s easy to be hard on yourself, the negative self-talk starts and then maybe you’ve got some internalised toxic positivity making you feel guilty. We want to emphasise the importance of showing yourself compassion in your day-to-day and coping with how you react and respond to challenging situations.


We’d love to hear from you and if you’d like to contribute to our next topic on the importance of supporting others, please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


The Yes Theory Podcast

Healing is the New High by Vex King

Sleepyti.me website

Second episode of Should I Delete That? Podcast – the accidental live therapy session

Lydia Millen YouTube conversation with Jacqueline Hurst