139: There’s No Such Thing As Originality

No doubt most of us have felt the pressure at one point or another to be original or come up with a fresh new idea. The idea of originality and being “the first” is highly praised but in reality there is no such this has originality. No matter your thoughts, your opinions, your actions or ideas, someone will have had them before. And that’s fine! Perhaps instead of focusing on being original we need to all lean into the fact that we can’t be original? And maybe it’s time to full embrace the “trending culture” and accept that we won’t have any original ideas? We also discuss how authenticity impacts originality and whether that can be the key to creating a slightly fresher perspective.


We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


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