211: Ok, But What’s Next?

We’re back and boy do we have a lot to catch up on. We’ve got hen parties, out-of-date-but-great recommendations and we’re having a chat about the weird limbo we’ve found ourselves in recently.

It’s no secret that we’ve both been working on a few big things for a while, and we’re thrilled that we can finally say we’ve ticked some of them off. But as chronic over-achievers we can’t help but feel like we’re now in a strange mid-ground. We want to celebrate we are, but also can’t help but think about our next goals. It’s hard to break the habit of constantly looking forward, and even harder to stop and be grateful for where you are, but we’re sharing how we’re trying to and why it’s such a gear-shift.

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charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


French Exit by Patrick DeWitt

Depp V Heard on Netflix

210: No Decision Is A Wrong Decision

None of our weeks can be as chaotic as Justin Timberlake’s but we’re definitely using “this is going to ruin the tour” as a line every time we feel inconvenienced! We’re sharing the songs on our do-not-play list for our weddings and Charlotte’s new crafting venture.

If you’ve ever had that horrible feeling when you’re making a decision “but what if I get it wrong?” – then this episode is for you. We’re chatting about how no decision is the wrong decision when it comes to making decisions about your life. It’s easy to obsess over decisions we’ve made, but the reality is that you made a decision with the information you had at the time and that’s all anyone can do.

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charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


Magical Overthinkers Podcast

Hit Man on Netflix

Additional recommendations:

Sounds like a Cult Podcast episode on Trad Wives

Anyone But You

209: You Don’t Know What You Know

We’re chatting beer festivals Helli has attended and Charlotte’s first week at her new job, along with the usual chaos of dark chocolate, knot tying expertise, Godzilla facts and Helli’s microphone dying halfway through (sorry!)

Sometimes something has become so habitual and easy that it becomes second-nature to underestimate or undervalue the skills and knowledge you have. Whether it’s planning a strategy, the ability to be organised, being a polyglot, creating content or even hobbies you do in your spare time. It takes a lot of effort to make something look effortless and it can become easy to lose sight of the value or authority you bring to the table.

We feel like we should know how to do everything and yet especially as women we feel the pressure to be humble about our achievements, but what seems normal and easy to you, is a valuable skill to someone else and you don’t realise the value you what you know.

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charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


Godzilla Minus One on Netflix

Happy Mum, Happy Baby episode with Louise Tomlinson

Additional recommendations:

Lindt touch of sea salt dark chocolate

Lidl salted caramel dark chocolate

She Drinks Beer Socials for women who love craft beer – held monthly in Bristol by Good Chemistry Brewing

We Are the Millers

208: Is Privacy The New Luxury?

You’ll be pleased to know that this week has been far less stressful. We’ve got our cortisol under control, spent plenty of time outside and even discovered a brand new boy band (IYKYK). We’re sharing our two latest obsessions (and of course one includes some true crime) and then we’re chatting about what we think the new biggest luxury is: privacy.

We’ve gone from being a generation of chronic over-sharers to ones that hardly post on socials at all, and it isn’t just us. The rise of “unplugged weddings”, combined birth & pregnancy announcements and even major fashion brands leveraging privacy as something to set them apart has got us thinking about whether the new ultimate form of luxury is privacy. It’s not about the fear of missing out anymore, instead if you’re not there you just miss out. Is that a good thing? Are we willing to sacrifice privacy if there’s something in it for us? Is this a new trend or is it simply returning to how things used to be?

You can support us on Patreon and get access to exclusive content (including monthly bonus episodes!) here – https://www.www.patreon.com/GrowthInProgress

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growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


What Jennifer Did on Netflix

207: Appreciating the Journey

It has been *a week* – Charlotte has spent hours sat at hospital and Helli hit a new level of peak stress and overwhelm with work, wedding planning and LIFE.

But we’re here to chat about appreciating the journey. We live in a world of instant gratification which makes it feel very uncomfortable/frustrating when you have to sit in that discomfort and wait for the results we’re aiming for. We’ve spoken in recent episodes about knowing who you’re doing it for and curating your own milestones – these are all really important parts of appreciating the journey. While we chat about success and goals a lot, this is about not becoming hyper-focused on results without enjoying the process, appreciating the opportunities that might come up along the way, or celebrating the milestones and new skills you learn as part of the process.

You can support us on Patreon and get access to exclusive content (including monthly bonus episodes!) here – https://www.www.patreon.com/GrowthInProgress

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growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


Green Dot by Madeline Gray

Emma Gilligan female-centred fitness, health and body confidence – on Instagram – @_emmagilligan_fit

206: But *WHO* Are You Doing It For?

It’s taken over 200 episodes but we finally had a hit-record-button mishap, and the chaos of this week’s episode doesn’t end there. From long-haul flights and weddings to road trips and beard competitions, it would be fair to say there’s *breadth* to this episode. Plus we have a discussion about working out who you’re really making those decisions for and what your motivation is. Why? Well it’s easy to get caught up in what everyone else wants you to do, whether it’s career-wise, relationships, or even wedding traditions (we’re both planning weddings at the moment, did we mention that?) but what really matters is that you know why *you* are doing it and why it’s so important to course-correct if something isn’t quite sitting right.

You can support us on Patreon and get access to exclusive content (including monthly bonus episodes!) here – https://www.www.patreon.com/GrowthInProgress

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growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


The Murdaugh Murders on Netflix

The World’s Most Dangerous Roads on UKTV Play (it’ll be on your smart TV, Char couldn’t find it on iPlayer for the life of her, gave up ands signed up for the free account)

205: Curating Your Own Milestones

We have a new intro and it’s safe to say we’re still adjusting! But this week we are chatting about the exciting Legally Blonde news, what films Charlotte will be watching on the plane and our various levels of cringe when it comes to Rom Coms. But this week we’re also chatting about curating your own milestones and while we both are getting married this year, we feel like there is more to milestones than the traditional ones that society tells us we should be excited about.

You can define your own milestones and depending on your hobbies, lifestyle, industry, background, sexual orientation and a million other things, your milestones are unique to you and more than anything should be a chance to celebrate things that are important to you with people who care about you. Whether that’s running a PB in your marathon training, paying off debt, getting a new job or getting a visa you’ve applied for.

You can support us on Patreon and get access to exclusive content (including monthly bonus episodes!) here – https://www.www.patreon.com/GrowthInProgress

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charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


The Idea of You on Amazon Prime

One Sec App

Also mentioned:
Diamond Dazzle Stick

The Rusty Bicycle pub in Oxford

204: Rejecting Pigeon-Holes & Embracing Our “Ands”

We’re back and we’re reunited IN PERSON for the first time in about 3 years – yes, we’re giddy with excitement too. This week is all about wedding dresses, Eurovision, baby reindeer (no, not the TV show) and why we need to stop putting people into boxes. Whether it’s celebrities experimenting with a new genre, rediscovering a childhood hobby that you love or having multiple interests that might seem contradictory, there’s so much ore joy to be had when we embrace out “ands” and stop putting other people, and ourselves, into strict boxes.

You can support us on Patreon and get access to exclusive content (including monthly bonus episodes!) here – https://www.www.patreon.com/GrowthInProgress

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growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


The Ordinary Eyebrow & Lash Serum

Style-ish Podcast

203: Living By Your Values

Having values vs. Living by your values – what’s the difference? How does this change over time as we get older, more confident or have more money? We chat about how we feel more able to live by our values now and stand up for what’s important to us. We chat about how personal motivation is so important in living my your values and how we fear judgement less than when we were in our 20s.

Let us know your thoughts!

You can support us on Patreon and get access to exclusive content (including monthly bonus episodes!) here – https://www.www.patreon.com/GrowthInProgress

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growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner

Cleopatra and Frankenstein by Coco Mellors

202: Hyper-Productivity Is Counterproductive

Charlotte is back from Kos, Helena is settling back into the UK and both of us are fighting colds, so this week felt fitting to discuss how hyperproductivity can actually be counterproductive for our health, our minds, our nervous system and our overall wellbeing.

This conversation sort of didn’t go where we expected as we chatted about whether multitasking and hyperproductivity are gender-skewed and how constant stress is actually putting our bodies into a constant state of fight-or-flight (spoilers: that’s not good for you!)

As always we’d love to hear your thoughts.

You can support us on Patreon and get access to exclusive content (including monthly bonus episodes!) here – https://www.www.patreon.com/GrowthInProgress

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If you’re enjoying the podcast and want to support us then the best way to do so is hit follow on your podcast player and let your friends know. We always want to hear from you so get in touch through the details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


Behind the Bastards Podcast

Stompcast Podcast

Also mentioned:

EasyJet Holidays

The Rest is Entertainment Podcast