140: It’s Ok To Suck At Something New

Ever given something new a go and found yourself struggling to get into a rhythm? Or maybe you just feel a bit like a fraud and you don’t really know what you’re doing? Maybe it’s a new job and suddenly starting again feels like the most humbling experience? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there, we just don’t talk about it. But sucking at something when you first start is perfectly normal, it’s all part of the process and just shows you’re stepping out of your comfort zone (which we all know is one of the best things you can do). This week we’re discussing why it’s totally fine to struggle at first, how to get your ego in check and why actually it could be a good thing to not be so great at something when you first start.

We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


The Bullet That Missed By Richard Osmand

Whering available on The App Store

139: There’s No Such Thing As Originality

No doubt most of us have felt the pressure at one point or another to be original or come up with a fresh new idea. The idea of originality and being “the first” is highly praised but in reality there is no such this has originality. No matter your thoughts, your opinions, your actions or ideas, someone will have had them before. And that’s fine! Perhaps instead of focusing on being original we need to all lean into the fact that we can’t be original? And maybe it’s time to full embrace the “trending culture” and accept that we won’t have any original ideas? We also discuss how authenticity impacts originality and whether that can be the key to creating a slightly fresher perspective.


We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


The High Performance Podcast

Hocus Pocus 2 on Disney+

138: Cherry Picking Advice

On the face of it, people giving advice seems like a great thing, people freely offering their advice is great and we always assume it comes from a good place. But the problem with advice is that it’s often rooted in that person’s opinions and experiences and as we get older, we realise that it’s important to cherry-pick the advice you’re given and consider what a person’s motivation is for giving you that advice.

Learning to question and cherry picking advice you’re given is definitely a skill and the responsibility is on you to decide if that advice is valuable to you and worth listening to.

We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


Meghan Markle’s Archetypes Podcast

The roof terrace bar at The Royal Opera House in London with a view of Covent Garden (access is free, no booking needed)

137: What Is Your Procrastination a Symptom of?

Pretty much everyone experiences procrastination at some point and it can feel frustrating when someone makes it sound as simple as “just follow these tips to stop procrastinating”. So in this episode we’re chatting about what procrastination can actually be a symptom of and how understanding that should be the first step to dealing with your procrastination. Procrastination is more of a habit than a personality trait, so what can we do to change the habit?

We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


Nightmare Alley on Disney+ and Hulu

Simon Reeve’s South America on BBC and iPlayer

136: Finding Your Flow State

This week we’re discussing how to get into your flow state to reach maximum productivity and optimise your work day. Flow state is a psychological term for being “in the zone” – when you’re immersed in your work in a state of positive focus and it just flows easily and you get so much done. We’re chatting about how we discovered it and tips to make the most of it in our day to day.

We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


The Mercies by Kiran Millwood Hargrave

Untold: The Girlfriend Who Didn’t Exist – Netflix

135: When Things Don’t Go to Plan

You might have noticed that we didn’t put an episode out last week… It was not an intentional decision but with so much going on publicly and in our own lives, it was just impossible for us to be able to put an episode out at our usual time. And after feeling incredibly guilty about it, we realised there was an opportunity for us to talk about when things go wrong, when things don’t go to plan and what we can learn from it, while having a bit more compassion for ourselves.

We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


Woodstock ’99 on Netflix

One of the Girls by Lucy Clarke

134: Self-Sabotage and Breaking Bad Habits

Another week, another big topic, this week it’s self sabotage and breaking the bad habits that lead to those self sabotaging behaviours. The habits we have are often subtle, their negative impact taking weeks or even months to become obvious but if we can catch ourselves sooner, become aware of how and why we’re sabotaging our own success then we can overcome it.

We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


Freddie Flintoff: Field Of Dreams on BBC iPlayer

Money Unfiltered on all podcast networks

133: Is It Your Ego Talking?

WE’RE BACK! After taking a much-needed summer break, we are back with a huge topic we both feel is a big one that’s become more relevant as we’ve gotten older – egos. Many of us don’t realise that a lot of how we feel or how we react in a situation can be influenced by our ego. If you feel defensive, jealous, uncomfortable or annoyed in certain situations and perhaps you can’t figure out why, it’s a great opportunity to examine whether it’s your ego talking. We often talk about the need for self-awareness and checking our egos at the door in certain situations, so this first episode back is a great chance for us to discuss that more.

We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


The Maid by Nita Prose

Magpie by Elizabeth Day

132: Coping with Overwhelm

For our last episode before we have our summer break, we wanted to talk about overwhelm and how to cope with or mitigate it. We all go through stressful or overwhelming periods and more so right now when the world feels very challenging and stressful in a lot of ways. But there’s no shame around feeling overwhelmed and instead we’re talking about why it’s important to spot the signs of it early and plan for what you need to do for you and your wellbeing.

Self care can often come last when you’re feeling overwhelmed, but making the hard choice to check in with yourself, stay no to things that put more pressure on you, or pushing back on non-urgent things are all simple ways to put yourself first, even if they can feel really challenging to do at the time.

We talk about how we cope with overwhelming periods and what we try to do to cope with those feelings and learn from it afterwards, while also showing ourselves compassion.


We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


Chase Bank savings account – 1.5% interest, easy-access savings account – available with their current account which also offers 1% cashback for a year. App-only banking

Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid

131: Comparison Among Friends

We all know by now that comparison is the thief of joy, but when it starts to creep into friendships it can become even more damaging. Whilst it’s completely natural to compare yourself to others, especially as women and among female friends, it’s very easy for that comparison to turn to jealousy, competition or resentment if we don’t check ourselves. This week we’re getting into the issues of not addressing comparison within friendships and how you can focus more on your own successes and celebrating other’s wins.

We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below:

growthinprogresspod@gmail.com / @growthinprogresspod
charlottephoebe.com / @charlotte.phoebe
helenabradbury.com / @helenabradbury


Elvis in cinemas now

The Power Hour Podcast by Adrienne Herbert

Atomic Habits by James Clear