Monthly Archives: October 2023

185: Parasocial Relationships: The Latest Viral Term We’ve All Unwittingly Encountered

This week we’re discussing parasocial relationships, what they are and how this relatively new social phenomenon has shaped the interactions we have online. Maybe you feel a real affinity to Taylor, perhaps Kim feels like your bestie or you might be a committed member of the Beehive. It may be ebven closer to home than that, maybe you simply feel a lot closer to an old childhood friend than you really are. We’ve all encountered parasocial relationships in one way and social media certainly amplifies them. But are they totally harmless or do they encourage us to believe we’re entitled to everyone’s inner thoughts?

We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below: / @growthinprogresspod / @charlotte.phoebe / @helenabradbury


The Outlaws on Netflix

The Everygirl’s Complete Guide To Feminine Energy

184: It’s All Temporary: How To Make The Most Of Where You Are Right Now

This week we’re diving into how accepting everything is temporary can be one of the best ways to live in the moment and make the most of where you are. It’s all temporary, the good and the bad. It’s fleeting and no matter how hard we try we can’t make anything last long or pass faster, so why are we so bad at living in the moment? It’s easy to get caught up in everything that’s going on, dwell on the past or worry about what’s next, but we all owe it to ourselves to at least try to be a little more present and name the most of the moment we’re in.

We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below: / @growthinprogresspod / @charlotte.phoebe / @helenabradbury


The Last Devil To Die by Richard Osman

I Asked 4 Former Friends Why We Stopped Talking by Kui Mwai for Vogue

183: Why Nuance Is So Important & How To Embrace It

This week we discuss *the* Netflix documentary of the moment, two books we can’t stop raving about and one of our favourite topics, nuance. We get into why nuance is so important, how it can sometimes be uncomfortable but why we need to embrace it.

We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below: / @growthinprogresspod / @charlotte.phoebe / @helenabradbury


Beckham on Netflix

Unnatural Causes by Dr Richard Sheppard

Yellowface by R.F Kuang

182: Confidence Is Quiet, Insecurity Is Loud: Why Saying The Most Doesn’t Mean You Know The Most

TW: At the start of this episode we do have a brief conversation about grief, if this feels like something you don’t want to hear right now then skin ahead to 6:03 to dive straight into our recommendations.

In this weeks episode we’re discussing why being the most confident person and becoming more self-assured doesn’t mean you have to be the loudest person in the room. We talk about how there’s power in living more quietly, keeping your plans private and celebrating when you finally reach your goal.

We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below: / @growthinprogresspod / @charlotte.phoebe / @helenabradbury


Taste The Nation by Padma Lakshmi on Disney+

Air on Amazon Prime

The Last Dance on Netflix

Cinnamon Social from Ole & Steen