Monthly Archives: March 2023

159: The Spotlight Effect (+ The Hen Party Debrief)

Have you ever felt like everyone is thinking about you far more than they probably are? Don’t worry, you aren’t the only one. This is a perfect example of The Spotlight Effect. It’s the phenomenon that tricks us into overestimating how much everyone is actually thinking about us. Maybe it’s something you said at drinks with friends, or a presentation at work that you feel you fumbled over, or maybe it’s that awkward thing you did 10 years ago that you still sometimes think back on and cringe about (we know we’re not the only ones!). The good news is there are some easy ways to identify the spotlight effect and how you can tackle it.

We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below: / @growthinprogresspod / @charlotte.phoebe / @helenabradbury


How To Kill Men And Get Away With It by Katy Brent

Daisy Jones & The Six on Amazon Prime

158: Quarterly Reviews (+Hen Party Chat!)

This week is a very special episode because… we’re recording in person! We’re reunited for a friend’s hen party weekend, so this extra long reunion episode includes plenty of catching up, the hen party games we’ve got planned and what activities we got up to at the hen party!

Plus we’re also discussing our quarterly reviews and how important it is to check in with yourself and your goals at this point in the year to consider what’s working, is there anything you need to change and how are you feeling in relation to your goals? This is such an important process for habit tracking, refocusing, accountability and self awareness. Even if you’re not a goal-setting type of person, checking in with yourself and what is and isn’t working is a great practice to have every few months.

We’re on our new quarterly 2-week break and will be back in 2 weeks with another new episode!

We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below: / @growthinprogresspod / @charlotte.phoebe / @helenabradbury


Sentimental Garbage Podcast – Girlbossing Episode from 23rd February

The Good Vibes Club Podcast with Jessie Sheppard

157: How to Make Rest a Habit

With everything life is throwing at us all, we wanted to talk about how to make rest a habit. Rest isn’t just more sleep or spending time sitting on the sofa. Instead we’re talking about how important it is to create space for yourself consciously to take a break from what you usually do and using habit stacking to fit it into our everyday routine, rather than the challenge of trying to commit a block of time to it on the evenings or weekends.

Boundary setting, habit stacking, understanding your energy, practicing active recovery and the importance of scheduling in rest before you reach exhaustion are all topics we’re covering in this conversation.

We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below: / @growthinprogresspod / @charlotte.phoebe / @helenabradbury


The Murdaugh Murders: A Southern Scandal on Netflix

The Feel Better App by Deliciously Ella

156: Being Open Minded

We often speak about taking opportunities when they come up and focusing on where we want to be, rather than when or how we get there and a huge part of that comes from being open-minded about opportunities and alternative ways of thinking. Open-mindedness is general is a great skill to flex in terms of being a more tolerant person, asking questions, getting comfortable with things not working out how you expect, but also cultivating a more positive mindset: if things don’t go how you think they “should” go, it doesn’t mean there aren’t still other different or better opportunities out there if you’re open to them.

We’d love to hear from you, if you have any thoughts on this episode or any future topics please get in touch on the contact details below: / @growthinprogresspod / @charlotte.phoebe / @helenabradbury


Notes on an Execution by Danya Kukafka

Social & Staple Playlists for every occasion –